Check out peopleFind out a little more about the people who are applying to rent your property or are looking for short or long term boarding.
SA, WA & NT records all show the offences for which that person was before the courts. TAS pre-August 2020 records also show offences. For States where the offences are not shown, the Matter Type section can also be informative. The civil court records component of the database can also sometimes provide additional information on debt related matters. Check out a business or trades organisationAs the CDA database also allows you to search company / business names, it’s also an ideal way to see whether that business or a trades person has been before a civil or criminal court in the past.
A quick CDA database search can sometimes prove worthwhile over and above online reviews. Disclaimer: The CDA Database only shows details of persons/organisations that were scheduled to have their matter heard before a court. No guilt or innocence should be assumed from any name being in the database.
Accessing the CDA DatabaseTo access the CDA database, simply click the button below and create an account. You will then receive an email with a link that needs to be activated so your email address can be verified. Please contact us if you have any problems receiving that verification link.
When you account is verified, you can conduct searches to see if a name is in the database and how many records there are for that name. Upgrading to paid access will be necessary to see the actual records connected to those names. |
Still not sure?You've checked out the About, CDA Database and FAQ pages, but are still a little uncertain about how the CDA database can be of benefit or if it will delivery the kind of information and help you might be looking for?
We totally understand. Contact us with any questions or concerns and we will do our best to help. We will even provide free access to our data for confirmed real estate agents with a rental list so you can try it out before making a decision. |